Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hormones and tennis...

What? It's been almost a month since I last wrote on here? Unbelievable. How do I even begin to catch up? Guess I'll do my best.

First of all, thanks for your prayers for Penny. I've had several other conversations with her since that day at the gym and the more I hear of her story, the more I've been praying for her and Becky! My mom did meet with them at the library to discuss their options for schooling, and right now they haven't decided to change anything. But I'm praying for their salvation most importantly. Homeschooling isn't the answer. Jesus is the answer! One of the main things that the Lord has taught me through this experience is that I need to continually be focusing on Christ in everything. My plan was to go to the gym and have an intense workout. His plan was for me to minister His love to a stranger. And that's happened several times now! I need to be prepared for those moments when my plan gets shoved out of the way so that I can walk in what He wants me to be doing. I mean, in the light of eternity - does it really matter if I got a good workout that day? Not really. Even if it comes back to bite me on the scale, so be it. What's more important is that I'm walking in the Spirit in every area of my life. Yes, especially in regard to my plans. "My ways are not your ways, and my thoughts are not your thoughts." So true! I don't want to miss an opportunity that the Lord drops into my lap just because I'm so focused on myself and what I want to do. (Or don't want to do, in the case of exercising. lol)

And then, on to my weight. I was super excited when I saw that I'd lost 2 pounds a few weeks ago! And then rather disappointed when I repeated the same thing the next week only to find that I gained them back. This past week, I had a little success when I lost one of the pounds that I'd gained. Yikes! It's such a roller-coaster. Sometimes makes me just want to scream! Anybody know a personal trainer who doesn't charge for training? :-) lol

Actually, I'm beginning to read a book about having balanced hormones right now. (No, I'm not going through menopause!!) The whole premise of the book is that if your hormones are balanced, it will be much easier to drop excess weight and maintain a healthy weight. The thing that caught my attention about this book was that lots of people wrote reviews and said that they seemed to have the "stuck scale syndrome" - where it didn't seem to matter how little they ate or how much they exercised, the scale didn't budge very much. (Sound familiar?) And after following the advice of this book, the were able to drop the weight. So, I'm intrigued. Haven't read very far yet, but it seems that it will have some good information. Honestly, I just love reading books and gaining knowledge about how God designed out bodies to work. Even if it is a secular author writing, the information I read makes me praise God for His creativity!

Soooo, that's about it right now. Except that I've had a strong desire to learn how to play tennis recently. It just looks fun! But I think it's past the prime season for tennis playing. Maybe next year...:-)

Have you noticed how beautiful the weather is this afternoon? Go take a walk! You'll love it. Happy Fall!


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