Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sledding, sweating, and a split

Have you been outside yet? Today the weather was absolutely gorgeous and totally out of place, considering it's the beginning of February. My mom and I took my two younger sisters sledding this afternoon. We hadn't gone yet this year, and we were looking for something to do outdoors, so sledding seemed like a good choice. We were just hoping that all the snow hadn't melted on the sledding hill!

When we arrived at the park, not only was there enough snow, there was also enough room. We were the only ones there! Avalon and Bethany were excited to get going, so we got our snowsuits on as fast as we could (which was a little difficult for me - I was trying to squeeze into a medium size set of snowpants!) and headed to the top of the hill. (I actually got them to zip!)

Now, I must tell you that this was the first year of my life that I was actually okay with going sledding. In the past, I dreaded it. Not because I didn't like sledding as a whole. I did. But I hated climbing back up the hill. I really didn't think it was worth it to hike all the way back up to the top only to slide back down for maybe 15 seconds! Too much work, I thought. So I avoided it. I used to stay in the lodge with the mothers when we'd get together with other families and to go sledding. Or, maybe I'd go out for a bit, get really tired, and come back in complaining that it was "too cold".

But not today! I was running up and down the hill and enjoying the fact that I wasn't getting tired. Bethany is too little to carry her sled back up the hill, so often time I would follow her sled down the hill, haul it back up with her, put her back on, and do the same thing over again. And it was fun! We had a nice, active afternoon. Just perfect for a day like this!

This past week was encouraging. I had a few conversations with other ladies about this whole battle with living healthy lives and the struggles that we all seem to face, in one way or another. One friend has battled with her weight for years, yo-yoing back in forth in her weight loss attempts. Another friend is just looking to drop a few pounds and tone her muscles. One mother I talked to has been trusting the Lord to help her curb her sugar cravings and has dramatically altered her daily diet in order to consume more raw foods. We're all doing our best to listen to our Lord and do what He is asking each of us to do!

And right now, the Lord is asking me to just stay faithful. I weighed in the same this week - 168 pounds. As one of my best friends said it," At least you didn't gain!". Yes, that's true. I didn't gain...but I didn't lose, either! My body seems to be getting comfy right here, and I'm going to do my best to give it a good kick in the rear this week. =) I ran 3 miles on the treadmill this morning (which is something I'd never done before!) and followed that up by 20 minutes on the Norditrack. It felt really good! And the sledding this afternoon was fun, too. Exercising doesn't have to be a drag. Find something active you like to do (or at least, don't mind doing) and get to it!

I know this may shock some of you, but last night I decided on my cheat item for the week. I was wanting something with chocolate, but also something a little salty. Or maybe a little fruity, too. Hmmm...what comes to your mind that is chocolatey, salty, and fruity? Well, I'll tell you what popped into my head - a banana split. Yep! It sounded really good! So, I had one. Now, mind you - I did limit it to one scoop of ice cream, half of a banana, 2 tsp of chocolate syrup, and 3 tbsp of peanuts. (Oh, and I had a few peanut M&M's, too.)Yummy! It really hit the spot, but I was totally satisfied when finished and ready to set aside that kind of eating till next week. Small doses make things so much more enjoyable!

Continuing in His grace ~ Bekah

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