Thursday, February 12, 2009

Heart ramblings...

Consistency. A good quality, right? We think highly of people who are consistent in life; they're dependable and disciplined. You can count on them to do what they say, because they've proven themselves in the past by their consistency. Yes, consistency is a good thing except...

...when it comes to the scale. Yep, you guessed it. Another week stuck at 168lbs. There seems to be an invisible brick wall in front of me, forcing my body to stay...consistent. And it seems that no matter what I do I can't break through this wall. It's confusing and frustrating, to say the least. When you're trying to lose weight, there's nothing more disheartening than stepping on the scale and seeing the same number as the previous week. It's like I worked a whole week for nothing! It stinks, because I'm doing the work and putting in the time and something isn't working. I'm doing something wrong; I just don't know what. Losing weight shouldn't be this hard. I shouldn't be stuck at the same weight since last July, give or take a pound. I must be doing something counter-productive.

It just doesn't add up. I've physically grown a lot stronger since last summer. I'm doing things now that were way beyond my level back then. I've pushed myself in so many areas and have changed a lot of things for the better since then. But the scale isn't showing that. And the hypothesis that "I must be gaining muscle" is growing quite flimsy now. I'm not gaining that much muscle, people! =) And muscle gained means more calories burned which means more weight loss. So that's where the theory falls apart.

I wish weight loss was a simple math formula. You know? "A" plus "B" will equal "C" every time. No guessing about it. If I (A) exercise and (B) eat healthy I will always get (C) weight loss. But, that's not how it works.

I'm running out of ideas. I thought that maybe if I dramatically cut my carb intake this past week that it might jolt me to hop back on track. I had carbs for breakfast only, which left me eating lots of salad and fruit throughout the rest of the day. Yes, even more than usual! Nice thought, but cutting the carbs didn't work. And I can't live like that anyway, so I'm secretly kind of glad. lol

My mom and I had a talk about this last night. We're stumped. (This is where a personal trainer would come in handy!) Mom's only thought was that I must be exercising too hard. (Sound familiar?) But I don't see how that could possibly be. Maybe I need to switch things up even more than I've already attempted to do, in regard to exercising. Am I too used to what I'm doing? I don't do the same thing every day, or even every week, so I don't know how that would help. *sigh*

I didn't mean for this post to be such a downer. I'm not throwing in the towel! I'm just honestly frustrated and confused. I'm tired of trying different things and seeing no results. I want answers! I want to keep moving forward! I want to reach my goal. I want to figure out the problem and do what it takes to fix it. I just don't know what my problem is - and it's driving me crazy!

But, God is good. And even if Bekah May is stuck at 168lbs for the rest of her life, God is still good. He is still worthy of praise and glory. He is still my King and I am still His child. He is still my Living Water and my Bread of Life. He is still the One I'm living for. No matter what.

I'm stuck, but I'm not surrendering to failure and defeat ~ Bekah


JAYESSER said...

Food is a big factor in weight loss. Honestly i have seen a lot of people i l know lose weight simply by changing their diet but get this - in all the cases - it happened unintentionally.

I accidentally got into the whole weight loss thing ironically becasue im someone who tries to put weight on. I figure the opposite of what I am doing helps people to lose weight. Ive seen a few female friends lose substantial weight just by changing their diets unintentionally and the weight has stayed off too. They just happened to eat less due to work worries or just not having time to eat as per normal.

One girl at work has lost an impressive amount and is still losing it. I noticed this and started to ask questions. I now monitor progress of people who i know are trying to lose wight, offer encouragement and advice. Its all very well going on a diet but without the right encouragement it will be harder to succeed. Ive learnt a lot about weight loss and how to achieve it and its great to be able to help others and see long term results.

Ive seen real life examples of food as a major factor in weight loss so nice to see a site about it. You can eat meat and still lose weight - the women i know who have lost weight all eat meat. You know one of them even pigs out on chocolate and stuff and still keeps the weight off by walking a lot and stuff and she was pretty big.

Do your best - it will take time - the women i monitor took a good while to get where they are now but they got there!!!!!!!!

Jayesser Jay

Bekah May said...

Hi, Jayesser

Thanks for your comment. How did you find out about my blog?