Friday, November 14, 2008

Death to the scale!!!

Okay, Lord. This is getting a little ridiculous! What in the world is going on now? How is it that I put in the time to exercise and I eat healthy, and the scale again shows a gain? And not just one pound - but TWO! Here I am, back at 171 pounds...AGAIN. What am I doing wrong?

Yes, that's the latest news. This morning, I felt like throwing the scale out the window and never weighing myself again! I'll just go by how I look and feel, not weigh. Humph! I mean, seriously. The scale disappoints way more people than it pleases - so why don't we just get rid of the stupid thing! I think we should start a movement for change (since change is such a popular thing these days). Who's with me???

All joking aside, it's never easy to see weight gain. It stinks. I don't like it. Especially when it seems like I'm running around in circles and can't seem to get back on the "weight loss road". It doesn't make sense to me!

But, it doesn't have to make sense. I don't have to understand everything. In fact, while gaining weight is disappointing - it's not going to slow me down. Why? My trust is not in the scale. It's not in my appearance or even in my overall health. My trust is in the Lord! And because of that, I can keep going. I can keep pressing on. I can look discouragement and despair in the eyes and say, "You have no place or authority in my life because I am a blood-bought child of the King of Kings! Christ has paid for my freedom and I'm choosing to walk in the Spirit!".
Now, this is easier said than done. Because it's much easier to give in to defeat. It takes no work. Going back to the way I used to be wouldn't require any effort on my part. In fact, it would feel normal. By myself, I'm a sinful, fleshly person. (Surprised, aren't you?) :-) But, because of Christ - I'm different! I'm redeemed, set free, sanctified, and waging war on my flesh. Fighting a battle is work! Hard work. It's often brutal and sometimes seems like it will never end. But there is no victory gained without a fight!

But realistically, what do I do when I see a gain on the scale? First, I pray and ask the Lord to reveal to me any "obvious" things I did the past week that I may have forgotten about that would account for a gain. Then, I reevaluate and make changes where I need to. I also do my best to push a little harder in my workouts and I make sure to watch my portion sizes. Remember, just because it's healthy doesn't give you the right to pig out! And I try to remain as active as possible during the day. You burn a lot more calories when you're moving. :-)

So we'll see what this next week brings. I looked ahead at my exercise schedule and during this fourth week the intensity level goes up a notch. Maybe that will help to push me over the hump. Hoping...hoping!

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness ~ Bekah


Kitti Klicks said...

Good job Bekah! Even when faced with discouragement you keep pressing on!!!!!! Wooohoooo for Bekah. Don't forget you're still getting inshape even if you're not losing weight.

Love ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bekah, way to hang in there! You are such an example of perseverance even when life doesn't seem to cooperate. Keep it up! You are so beautiful, both outside and inside. Cheering for ya!