Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another day...another weigh in...

I have been so grateful for my treadmill as the days have been getting colder. It's so nice to be able to stay in our warm house while exercising! So blessed...

My weigh in this week was encouraging. I'm back at 169lbs...again! I read a short article this week where the author was giving some advice in regard to weight loss plateaus. A summary of the article would be: Don't give up! I was reminded that they are normal, as it takes our bodies time to readjust to our new weight. It may last several weeks, or even longer. But the important thing is to not give up! Too many people give up when they feel like they've "hit a wall" and their weight doesn't drop. But it's not all about the scale! Slow and steady will win the race. I'm in this for the rest of my life, not just till I reach 150lbs. I'm hoping that my exercise program (which is slowly getting harder) will help me to keep breaking through. I don't like the idea of getting stuck for weeks! It's so easy to get impatient.

I was feasting on fresh homemade bread today. It was like candy! No, it was better than candy. Yummy!

More thoughts later ~ Bekah

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