Wednesday, November 5, 2008


If you live anywhere in the world today, you've heard that Barack Obama has been elected the next President of the United States. I'm not going to disguise my emotions about this but will come out directly and say, "Lord, have mercy!". This is most definitely a time to pray for our country.

The mood around our house has been a little gloomy and sometimes a bit angry and frustrated since last night, which has lead me to do a little thinking. I went on a short walk outside this morning to pray and vent some emotions to the Lord. (I asked if we could possibly move out of the country for the next 4 years, but I didn't get an affirmative on that...) After praying, I immediately felt much better. At least, I was a little more level-headed and able to reign in some "not so nice" and sarcastic comments that all too often escape my lips. Contrary to my raging emotions, the Lord gently reminded me that the world is not going to end simply because a liberal democrat was voted into office, and I don't need to fear - He's still in control!

I came back into the house feeling more calm, cool, and collected. And I began to think about my emotions and the power they can have over me if I let them. You see, in the past whenever I was feeling angry, stressed, frustrated, sad, lonely, disappointed, or a combination of all of them, I had some "comfort items" that I would run to hoping they would make me feel better. And the one item that was at the top of my list? You guessed it: food. I had convinced myself that eating would give me an emotional boost, or at least make me forget whatever was bugging me for a little while.

Emotions can be so tricky! And it's so easy to give into them. Had a bad day? Here, eat this bag of chips. Stressed with the amount of work you have to do? Why don't you just eat some cookies and forget about it for awhile? Frustrated or angry with someone? It's okay, much on a candy bar...or two. You deserve it. Caught in an uncomfortable situation? Hide behind this can of pop. These thoughts are often racing through our minds, and instead of replacing them with Scripture we head off marching to the pantry. Believe me, I know.

I mean, let's be honest. If I would go into our pantry and stuff my mouth full of junk food, what is that really going to help? It's not like the election results will change because Bekah ate a candy bar! And eating based on your emotions in not going to help you either. Don't let them control you! I chose to go on a prayer walk this morning instead of snacking away my frustration and disappointment, and I got the result I was looking for -God's peace. (And I know I burned more calories than I would have while snacking!) But believe me - there is no food in the world that can offer you peace and satisfaction. That role belongs to God alone.

So, be on the alert. Cooperate with the Holy Spirit to keep your emotions in check. And, please be in prayer! ~Bekah


-C A I T L Y N said...

OH Bekah I can CONFIDENTLY say that i related to your emotions about our new president. It is still hard for me to admit that he won! :( I agree with your thoughts on keeping our emotions in check though! It has been a huge struggle since last night! I am reminded though of the Bible verse(i can't remember the reference) about God lifts up a nation and ruler and has the power to remove them as well! I guess no matter what happens we need to hold fastly to our values, morals, and our mighty God, rembering who who we are to represent. But all in all it is SOOOOO hard to be optimistic with

Bekah May said...

Hey, do you want to move to another country with me? Let's pick someplace where we can practice our Spanish, okay?...Mexico? Spain? Bolivia? Peru? Honduras? You pick. I've got a passport and am all ready! Let's plan on spending about...hmm...four years or so there. Sound good? lol

My mom reminded me of the verse in Proverbs (21:1) that says "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.". I guess this is where we get to put our faith and trust in His Word into action! Easier said than done.

-C A I T L Y N said...

How about Honduras??!?! Or I have always wanted to live in Bora Bora (i don't think htey speak espanol though ;) hahah

Amen to that! I know that God is able to work through those that aren't Christians and He isn't going to give us anything we can not handle!! But i agree that ALOT of things are easier said than done!

Unknown said...

I'll move too!!! Can I come with, Bekah???

Btw, I've been catching up on your blog and, woman! You look FABULOUS!!! I'm so impressed and excited for you!!! :)

Bekah May said...

Absolutely!!! But you might want to check with your hubby first. :-) Especially if we're planning to be gone for four years...

Silliness aside, thanks for your encouragement! It's been WAY too long since I've seen you. I miss BQ! I think about you lots, and I'll let you know the next time I'm traveling through KY, okay? lol

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'll take you all to Colombia next spring! :-) And Peru is a great place too. Right now, I'd stay out of Argentina though... they're having political problems of their own.

But seriously, I agree with what you wrote. Perhaps this is our "Esther time." A time for us to stand up and be culture shaping leaders and witnesses for Jesus. A time to live in the light of eternity, instead of the next four years. Sure, it won't be great, but remember, God worked through Nero and Nebuchadnezzar, and some of the greatest spread of Christianity happened under their rule. It's in times like these that the Daniels and Esthers stand out more than ever.