Thursday, July 31, 2008

A little experiment...

Wow! Time flies. It's already Thursday? I have thoroughly been enjoying my workouts this past week. That treadmill is my new best friend! We've spend many hours together this week...:-)

I'm conducting a little experiment. After reading a book called, "Make the Connection" written by (of all people) Oprah and Bob Greene, I've decided to change around my schedule a little bit and see if it makes any difference. First off, I'm exercising in the morning - first thing. I wake up, grab my clothes and tennis shoes, and head down (quietly so as not to wake my family members) to the laundry room where I hop on the treadmill for 45-50 minutes. I love it! It gives my metabolism as well as my spirits a huge boost. I'm not already tired from the day, like I would be when I exercised in the afternoon, and I come out simply radiant! (Well, maybe more like shiny from sweat...) I have music playing in the background to keep me motivated and I copied down some verses on bright cardstock and stuck them on the wall in front of me. I'm having so much fun in there! It's just me and Jesus, and I find myself not wanting to stop. This morning, I went 4 miles and I was sad that I had run out of time.

Another change I've made is in my eating. Not changing any of the foods I eat, just when I eat them. They suggest eating the majority of your calories in the morning/afternoon, and then simply eating a light supper. Their logic for suggesting this is that our metabolism starts off slow in the morning (which is why it's so important to eat breakfast - it gives our metabolism a boost) and reaches it's peak around lunch time. Then it tapers off into the afternoon and evening, and by bedtime it's really slow again. So, by the time we sit down to eat our huge American dinners, our bodies don't burn calories nearly as quickly as they do earlier in the day. I'm re-adjusting my calories, and eating my "big meal" for lunch, and I usually have fruit and a salad for dinner. I thought I'd be starving after dinner, but I've actually felt just fine. :-)

I'm curious to see if these changes make any difference over the next few weeks. I'm planning to continue exercising in the morning whether it seems to help or not, and I haven't really struggled with re-adjusting my calories throughout the day, so I might continue that as well.

I have a ton more thoughts, but I'm out of time. Blessings to you all! ~Bekah

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