Saturday, July 26, 2008

Better late than never...

I know, I know. I've kept you all wondering. So sorry! We had some special guests over to our house yesterday and I decided not to take the time and post while they were here. We were having too much fun!

Besides, I didn't have a whole lot to report. Though this week I didn't have to try and balance myself on the scale as my feet are all healed (PTL!), I found that my stubborn little body obviously liked where it was at. I weighed in at 174lbs. Not to worry! I'm not discouraged at all. I had a great week with exercising and eating, so I know it's not something that I did or didn't do right. And let me tell you, that's a really good feeling. It's not my fault! *smile* Not losing weight every week is a normal part of weight loss, so I'm keeping my head up and continuing to fight.

Oh, and I LOVE the treadmill!!! No bugs in my face or rocks in my shoes while walking. No farmers driving by and looking at me funny. It's great!

We made the "special salsa" last night for our guests. (Okay, it was mostly because I wanted it. But I shared it!) It was delicious! And as I was munching away, I just kept thinking of all the healthy nutrients I was putting into my body. You can eat as much as you want and not feel guilty at all! So, all you fellow salsa lovers - give it a try! (You can find the recipe in an earlier post.)

I'm going to try and upload some pictures for your enjoyment (and comic relief) tomorrow. Till then ~Bekah

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