Thursday, July 24, 2008

Answered Prayer!!!

I've just gotten a huge adrenaline rush. A few minutes ago I stepped off my brand new treadmill! Well, okay. It's not really brand new, but it is to me.

I've been praying for (and trying not to covet *smile*) a treadmill for several months, and the Lord has answered my prayer in an unexpected way. I assumed that I'd just have to save up the money and then hopefully find a used one, and I was asking the Lord to help me find a good deal. Did He ever!

My grandparents moved from a huge house into a condo this week. My grandpa has a very nice treadmill, but he realized that it wouldn't really fit into their condo, and the condo has an exercise facility. Long story short - he gave me his treadmill. WOOHOOO!!!!!

So, I just stepped off of using my new treadmill. I got up at 6:00am this morning to put in a good 45 minutes of walking. We have a super busy day, and I knew I wanted to get my exercising in this morning. Plus, I'm going to try and start doing it in the morning. I like it better, and it gets my metabolism revved up for the day.

Don't have long to type right now, but I wanted to tell you my news. I'll type the long and funny story of what it took for us girls to get the treadmill in it's new home. (aka our laundry room!) We got some funny pictures that I'll upload, too.

May the Lord answer your prayers ~ Bekah

1 comment:

jessie said...

aww! that's wonderful! I'm so glad that you got the tredmill that you've wanted for so long!!! :-D