Sunday, June 8, 2008


I got home last night from an incredible trip to Colorado. I had been looking forward to this trip since Christmas! My very dear friend, Stephanie, and her awesome family made me feel right at home. In fact, I felt like I was visiting relatives!

We had a great week! The weather was simply gorgeous. We went on a 6 mile walk on Tuesday morning which felt great. I was so engrossed in our conversation that it didn't seem that far at all! It's not humid in CO like it is here - yuck! I had a rude awakening when we stepped out of the airport last night. :-)

I couldn't have asked for better meal service while gone from home! I was so blessed to be with like-minded friends. We made some delicious salsa and devoured an entire bowl of it in about 2 days...Good thing it's so healthy. Stephanie and I both get intense cravings for salads, so we had at least one a day along with yummy fruit, whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and an occasional fruit smoothie. (Steph's sister, Ali, works at a smoothie shop called "Inta Juice". Those were the best smoothies I've ever had!) But, seeing this was vacation - we also made room for little splurges like s'mores, iced mochas, Reese's Pieces, etc.

I decided to hold my "weigh in day" this morning. I did great in the eating catagory this past week, and though we did get some exercise worked into our packed schedule, I certainly didn't want to sacrifice too much of our precious few days together to spend lots of time sweating. So, I just hoped that I was able to maintain my weight - I didn't think I'd done enough work to lose weight this week, and I certainly hoped I didn't gain weight while gone.

I was pleasantly thrilled ( and rather shocked!) when I got on the scale this morning and saw that I'd lost yet another pound. My first response was, "WHAT?!? No way! I lost weight on vacation? Get me on the fastest plane back to CO!". *smile* I still haven't quite figured out how that happened, but I'm super excited about it for 2 reasons. The first being that I was able to stick to my plan even when I was gone from home. (Thank you, Lund family! You made it easy for me.) I had decided before leaving that my focus would be on our relationship this week - where it should be, not on the scale. It feels great to have lost weight while not even trying very hard. (I know that is a rare thing!)

The 2nd reason I'm so excited, is because that pushs my total weight loss up to 70 pounds. (That means I've lost 29% of my body weight. Wow.) It's been a year since the Lord opened my eyes to my sin (sometime during June 2007) and by His grace I've been able to shed 70 pounds so far. That blows me away! He's been so faithful to provide strength in my weakness.

I'll post more thoughts in a little bit. I'm needing an afternoon nap today!

Joyfully ~ Bekah

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