Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Musings

Well, I'm sure you've heard by now. The Health Care Reform Bill has passed both the House ans the Senate and will soon be signed into law by President Obama. Though I am NOT happy about this, my post today is not going to be about the specific policies of the bill, as I could wax eloquent (or, not so eloquent) for quite some time and that would be of no value as I cannot change anything about it by writing on this blog. :-)
Rather, I'd like to use the passage of this bill (and the ramifications that will follow) as a reminder to all of us that we need to be doing everything possible to take care our our own bodies. If we don't like the health care policies that passed, then we'd better make sure that we are doing everything in our power so that we won't need to rely on their socialist health care system!

The passage of this bill should motivate us even more to make our health and well being a top priority in our lives. I don't want to have to worry about whether or not I'll be able to see a specialist or even get an appointment scheduled with my family physician in a timely manner so that they can address my health issues. I don't want to be on prescription drugs and have to worry about the cost rising or drug rationing if I can help it! So I'm going to make smart choices, and I hope that you will, too!

Exercise has so many health get off the couch and start to experience those benefits! It dramatically reduces your risk of many common health issues, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, and so many more. I, personally, want to reduce those risks as much as possible! Especially because my extended family has a history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart attacks. I'm aware of that and doing my best to change that history for the better in the coming generations.

Again I say, make healthy food choices. Chuck the junk! And choose the fresh - fresh veggies and fruit, protein and breads. In my post this Friday, I'm going to share with you my current "Top Ten" snack ideas, so check back for that! Experiment with new recipes and create some family favorites of your own. Reduce the times that you spend eating out, especially at fast food restaurants. I haven't had a french fry in over two years, and I'm doing just fine. :-) Plan ahead if you're going to be away from home during meal times and pack a meal. It's not hard! You just have to think ahead. Keep fresh veggies and fruits cleaned and cut up in your fridge that you can grab when you need them. I understand - sometimes you need something really quickly! But instead of grabbing for the cookies or chips, grab the apple slices with a bit of peanut butter or carrot sticks with hummus. (Oops! I guess I won't count those ideas in my "Top Ten" now that I spilled the

And finally, remember that God is in control. Stress, anger, bitterness, fear, and worry also have very negative effects on our bodies, so don't let them overwhelm you! Spend time studying and meditating on Scripture and allows His Word to cleanse your mind. Trust Him and obey, knowing that He created our bodies and can take care of them much better than any government program could ever promise to!


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