Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Are you one of the millions of people looking forward to a nice, big meal tomorrow? All over the country, our tables will be filled with yummy traditional foods like turkey, potatoes, fresh rolls, cooked vegetables, pie, and more. This holiday meal is like no other!

So, let's say you're in the same boat that I am - trying to lose weight. What's a girl to do? You know how long it's going to take you to work off all of the calories in the food, but it looks SO good! Should you eat anything, or completely stay away from it? And, how do you balance yourself so that you don't eat too much?

This is going to be my little strategy for the day, because as I posted earlier, I'm not going to avoid the food all together. It's okay to have a "non-weight loss" day every once in awhile! I know that after tomorrow, I'm going to get right back on track. Eating different food tomorrow is not going to sidetrack me and keep from continuing onward. But, I am going to set up some boundaries for myself, as I know from personal experience that I can't be trusted. :-)

First, I'm going to eat a normal sized breakfast that's loaded with fiber and protein to keep me satisfied for longer.
Second, I'm going to drink more water than usual, which will help to flush excess calories out of my body and keep me properly hydrated.
Third, I am not going to come to the table starving! I'll snack appropriately a few hours before the big meal to ensure that I don't have the "eyes-bigger-than-the-stomach" problem.
Fourthly, I'm going to explain to my family what I feel is okay for me to eat, and have them keep me accountable. This includes telling them portion sizes, too! While not the easiest boundary to set, they have been pretty good cops for me and saved me from many a disastrous meal. :-) And fifthly, I'm going to keep perspective. My stomach is only so big, and it's not designed to be stuffed! Food is not going to satisfy me or make me feel better after eating it, so I can shut down that lie early on. Just because food is readily available and it's okay for me to eat it doesn't mean I need to. By God's grace, I'll stop eating when I'm satisfied -even if there are a few bites of pie left on my plate. (Oh, help me, Lord!)

That's my plan, and I'm sticking to it...with the help of the Holy Spirit. In family gatherings past, I've often eaten too much and left feeling less than comfortable, which makes me feel grouchy and irritable. But I'm believing that this year is going to be different! I'll look forward to leaving satisfied and not guilty, as long as I cooperate with Jesus!

This is the time of year that people put on weight, which makes it all the more difficult for someone trying to lose it! Never a thought about fruits and vegetables, our baking is dedicated to sugars and fats, carbs and more carbs. No wonder people can get so grumpy and stressed out during the holidays! If I were their body, I'd complain, too. We overload our systems with junk, and then wonder why we keep catching colds and getting sick. Or why we feel so tired and lack energy. Or why the scale keeps going up and up....... HELLO!!! I'm a blonde, but I can figure this one out.

I'll get off my little soapbox now. :-)Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the goodness of God, and give Him all of the thanks and praise we possibly can. He truly is good, and His blessings are abundant. When I think back to where I was at (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) last Thanksgiving, it makes me tear up with gratefulness to my Lord who is so faithful and patient with me. What a blessing good health is!

Are you in good health right now? Thank Him for it, and live like you're grateful for it. (Don't ask Him to bless the Cheetos you eat, okay? I don't think He can...:-)) Or, do you want to make changes so that you can enjoy good health? Then thank Him for His grace that allows you to start fresh today, and do what He tells you to do.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! ~Bekah

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