Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The promised "details"...

Looking back over the past week, I'm still in shock over losing 2 pounds. It does not make sense to me, but I'm not going to argue with my body! If it feels like surprising me again and dropping a few more pounds, I'm going to give it all the encouragement I can. =)

But, I'm thinking it must be a combination of 2 things - working harder and eating more calories. Sound like a weird combination? Let me explain.

I was so excited about all my new "toys" (namely, the pedometer and the exercise tubing) that I couldn't help but use them. I made a conscience decision to walk more, even in little things (like getting up to find what I wanted instead of asking a family member to bring it to me) simply because I was wearing my pedometer and I wanted to see a nice big number on it. Now, I wasn't necessarily working so hard that I was breaking a sweat, but I think all of those "extra" little steps added up to a huge result - weight loss.

Also, I used my exercise tubing and worked my little arms till they burned. I pushed myself even when it was uncomfortable, and even when I didn't think I could do any more, always saying to myself, "Just one more rep - do one more.". I used some new exercises from the awesome weight training book which worked the same muscles in a different way (believe me, I could tell the next day...just a little sore!). All this gave me the little boost that I needed to get over my "I can't get out of the 170's!!!" plateau.

Now as to eating more calories. I don't mean that I ate candy bars or french fries. I just realized that my meals were getting a little skimpy, so I made sure to have adequate sources of protein and carbs in with my veggies and fruit. I didn't overeat, I just ate smart. I made sure that my body had the fuel it needed. I ate every 3-4 hours to keep my metabolism running higher and to keep my hunger under control. I never came to a meal "starving", just hungry, and I didn't leave stuffed, just satisfied. That's a good feeling!

So, I think those things combined together made up for the 2 pounds lost. So, a few tips to my fellow friends on a weight loss journey:

1. Eat every 3 to 4 hours. Three meals with 2 or 3 snacks during the day.
2. Exercise! Anything is better than nothing - start small and achievable, move up from there. Keep the intensity level high in order to burn more calories.
3. Drink enough water.
4.Get enough sleep! At least 6 hours, preferably 8.
5. Read and immerse yourself in Scripture. Look up verses on freedom, self-control, victory in Christ and memorize them. I'm reading through Romans chapters 6-8 right now and slowly meditating on those chapters. I've also been encouraged through Galatians 5 recently. The Word is precious! What amazing power it has to change our lives.

Thanking Him ~ Bekah


-C A I T L Y N said...


Your post was soo encouraging! I am very proud of you! I am going to have to try the eating every 3 to 4 hour thing....cause i am alsways starving when i come to a meal and then i have major stomach problems and aches :(
Keep up the fantastic work and I am praying for you!

Bekah May said...

Hi, Caitlyn ~

Yeah, eating every 3 to 4 hours was a huge thing for me. I kept thinking, "I can't eat that often and still lose weight!". But, it's been a huge key to victory for me. When I'd come to a meal "starving", I almost always ended up eating too quickly and too much. Neither of those help with weight loss. =)
And, it took me awhile to get my body trained to what an adequate snack felt like in my tummy. Previous to my weight loss journey, a snack might as well have been counted as a meal. I'd eat till I was pretty full, and then convince myself to stop so I'd have room for dinner.
But by eating every 3 or 4 hours, I'd curb my hunger by eating a piece of fruit, and little yogurt, a Kashi snack bar, some veggies with a tiny bit of dip. I kept it between 100 and 150 calories - just enough to satisfy. And, it's worked great! What do you know? I can eat 5 or 6 times a day and lose weight! I like that...=)