Sunday, July 6, 2008

Whew! I'm finally home for awhile. The past two weeks have been wonderful - one spent helping with the Bright Lights Conferences and the other spent visiting our family in MN - but I'm ready to get back on track.

Yep. The past two weeks have been a "vacation" in the weight loss category. Oh, I tried my best. I brought along healthy snacks and ate as many fruits and veggies as I could get my hands on! And I had some tiny moments of victory. One of those moments stands out in my mind.

We were at the conference in Bemidji, MN. As a special treat for the leaders from our group, the B.L. group from Bemidji had given each of us some hand lotion and Dove chocolate. How sweet! And yet tempting. I was doing well - I threw the chocolate into the snack bag that Leah and I had brought along and decided to forget about it. (Well, forget isn't really the right word. How about "not focus on it"? :-) So anyway, I "forgot" about it until one night. I was very tired, kinda stressed, and that chocolate really sounded good. No! I shouldn't have it. I don't need it. But, chocolate... Yeah, you guessed it. I picked it up and plopped it in my mouth. Now, if you've ever eaten a Dove chocolate, you know that they have cute little sayings on the wrapper. So, as I was sucking on my forbidden chocolate, I looked at the wrapper. Don't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor! My wrapper read, "Temptation is fun, but only when you give into it." No way! What are the odds??? Okay, Lord! I get it. I immediately walked over to the nearest trash can and spit the thing out. (What a waste...*smile*) Sure, it tasted good. But not as good as I felt after deciding to walk in the Spirit.

But along with the tiny victories, I had times of struggle. I'm not against eating food, even "not-the-most-healthy" food is fine, in moderation. Yeah...moderation. The past few weeks I often found myself eating too much (You know, when your tummy puts up the "no-vacancy" sign. Smart people take heed.), simply because it tasted so good. Moderation...something that is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.

I did a little better with exercising this past week. I took my weights (and I actually used them!!!) and we spent a lot of time walking. Not nearly as strenuous as usual, but exercise nonetheless. Every little bit counts!

So, we'll see what the scale says this Friday. I'm not looking forward to it, though. I know I packed on a few pounds these past two weeks. I can feel it. (Whoa! Kinda freaky, huh?) IT'S NOT FAIR!!! It goes on so easy, and it is so much work to get it off. Alright, done complaining.

I'm getting back on track! I'm pumped. Super excited. Can't wait to begin again. Oh, Lord. I need your help!!! This ain't easy.

Moving onward and upward (or should I say downward? Tee hee!) Bekah

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