Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Simple Invitation...

This week has finally felt like summer. The weather has been sunny and warm - perfect for getting a nice tan and working up a sweat while exercising. I know, I know. I used to be a "girly-girl", too. Sweating used to disgust and annoy me. (Don't even get me started about locker rooms!) I used to wish that I had my own personal air-conditioner that was built into my body. I HATED those summer days where you walk out the door and immediately start sweating from the humidity. I mean, sweating was part of God's curse on mankind! (Genesis 3:19)

I don't necessarily enjoy getting sweaty, but it's a good indication that I'm working hard enough. Plus, it rids my body of toxins which is another bonus! Ever since eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly (sweating), I've had almost no problems with acne. I never struggled with it as much as others, but now it's rare for me to find a pimple. Whoohoo! So, pitch the creams and try to go natural for awhile!

I just came in from my "Last Chance Workout". (It's my last chance before the weigh in tomorrow! Not that I'm thinking about that...*smile*) To be honest, I haven't really felt like exercising this week. It's not like I was thinking about skipping it, but I didn't really look forward to it like I have in the past. So I began every workout with a simple prayer that God would give me His strength and joy as I work to glorify Him in my body. What a difference that made! I'd start out dreading the sweating, the paining muscles, and the "uncomfortableness" of it all, and I'd end up with a smile on my face. Let me tell you girls, that was Jesus! All He needed was an invitation.

You see, my attitude totally changed simply by inviting Him into my workout time. I didn't say anything "magical" or "super spiritual". It was simple. Just an invitation to join this child of His in my every day, boring, and repetitive exercise time. I don't think anyone else would want to join me. (I'm quite a sight!) Not anyone that is, except for my dear Abba. He was waiting, longing to be invited! He delights in us. He created us for fellowship with Him. Yes, even fellowship while exercising.

"In His presence is fullness of joy..." How true! I could enjoy exercising when I viewed it as time spend with my King, not just a time to sweat and utter odd grunts and groans. "The joy of the Lord is my strength." Amen! As my attitude changed, I began to strive to push and challenge myself while working out, not just survive. Instead of talking myself out of some new challenge, I was talking myself into them. (Again dear friends, that was NOT my doing!) It's a result of His Spirit fellow shipping with mine. Walking in the Spirit pushes aside the desires of the flesh, which would have been to stop or give up.

And this kind of fellowship is what the Lord desires throughout my day. He doesn't just want an hour with me; He wants to spend the day together! And so do I. Being in His presence changes me; it intoxicates me; it addicts me! He gives me the strength to daily die to my flesh and to walk in the Spirit. "Without me, you can do nothing."

Basking in His presence ~ Bekah

1 comment:

jessie said...

You inspire me. :-) It's really encouraging to read all about your journey both physically and spiritually!!! Congratulations on so much hard work.