Monday, July 20, 2009

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...

It's about time I updated this little blog! This summer is quickly flying by and I'm trying to keep on top of everything, but often times certain activities (like blogging) fall by the wayside while I'm running to catch up with our crazy schedule.

And besides, I'm currently in a game of ping-pong in my weight loss, so it didn't seem like there was that much to report. Gain, lose, gain, lose, etc. Last week, I weighed in at 178lbs, which was up a pound from the previous week. So I'm even more determined to get rid of that silly pound this week! I have been slightly encouraged by the fact that some of my clothes have fit better on me. Not so tight in areas, a little more loose than I remember. A spring dress that I bought last year now hangs on me and looks rather droopy. This was a surprise to me, especially seeing I haven't lost any weight since then! And in all honesty, I'd rather focus on losing inches and becoming more trim and fit than losing weight anyway. The scale can be deceiving, but how my clothes fit will never lie.

A few weeks ago, my grandma and cousins came down from MN for a visit. We had a fun week together, and I was able to cook up some yummy, healthy, lower-calorie meals and convince my cousins to give them a try. (And they liked them!) Here are a few pictures from their visit with us.
Now, for those of you who looked at this last picture and thought, "Hmm...the license plate says Nana of 9, but there are only 8 in the picture." - let me explain. Our cousin Tyler didn't come down with Jordan and Sydney, so he's going to have to be photoshopped in at some point. :-)
So even though things are busy and even though I haven't been all that impressed with my weight loss this summer, I'm still learning and growing. I'm developing discipline and self-control in my life, and not just in the area of weight loss, though it's tempting to just isolate it there and not push myself to be disciplined in other areas. Like keeping my room clean and tidy, and finishing projects that I've started. (Those are hypothetical statements, by the way....Okay, maybe not!) I keep reminding myself that this whole journey is not just about my weight! My ultimate goal is Christ-likeness in EVERY area of my life. And as I'm disciplining my body in an effort to shed extra pounds, I'm also seeking to shed my heart of any unwanted sin and distraction from my King. I want a "thin" heart much more than a thin body!
Speaking of disciplining my body, I tried out a new DVD this morning for my workout. It's called, "Power Sculpt", but after doing it, I think it should be called, "Power PAIN and SWEATING!". lol I was grunting and pushing myself in our living room and my muscles were working hard. Ever done a curtesy lunge?...50 times in a row? Or pushups with T raises? I was acting like the trainers were really in the room, but despite my loud protests - they didn't stop for a break. They wore me out! Sometimes I think the buff trainers making the DVD's must have a conference each year where they brainstorm new ways to exercise which causes their clients to experience more burning muscles and exhaustion during workouts. I made it through the 40 minutes of grunt work (literally) and then went for a jog outside to round out my hour of exercising. And though I'm complaining about it, I felt great afterwards! It was nice to change things up and have a day outside of the gym. I always have more fun when I'm being told what to do and I don't have to make it up on my own. Besides, if I wake up sore tomorrow morning - it's not my fault. :-)
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Eph. 5:1
For Freedom ~ Bekah

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