Friday, January 16, 2009

Weigh in...

Another weigh in day. How does the week go by so quickly? Didn't I just weight in?

I got up this morning and jumped on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Then I moved on to my "killer workout" DVD. I'm slowly getting stronger; my poor arms are experiencing major burning sensations every morning. But it will be worth it! That's what I have to keep telling myself. I sometimes have to take a 5 second break when performing arm exercises, but I'm pushing myself to not give in too easily. There's burning muscles, and then there's BURNING MUSCLES!!! And I'm trying to push past the "regular" burning and hang in as long as possible in order to put pressure on my muscles to force them to change and grow. Easier said than done!

Anyway, my number for this week is....166. That's a pound less than last week! Woohoo! I'm happy with that, especially since I'm doing my best to gain muscle right now, which might interfere with actual weight loss.

I met with a friend at Panera's last night (namely, Chrissy!) and had a yummy salad. Do you know how hard it is to go to Panera and not eat at least one cinnamon crunch bagel with lots of hazelnut cream cheese and wash it all down with an iced mocha? Well, let me tell you - it's pretty hard! But I didn't want to do anything dumb and screw up my weigh in this morning. So, I just waited till after my weigh in and had half a bagel with gobs of cream cheese this morning! Nothing like a yummy bagel for my cheat item this week. :-)

Even though it's super cold outside - that's no excuse to not do any kind of exercise throughout the day. There are millions of simple exercises you can do! Instead of walking to the kitchen, do lunges to get there. Run up the stairs instead of walking. Squat down to put clothes in the dryer instead of bending your back. Feeling cold? Before you run to the closet and grab a sweater, do some jumping jacks. You'll start feeling warmer in no time! All these simple things will add up to you feeling stronger and more energetic.

Stay warm! ~Bekah

1 comment:

Kitti Klicks said...

great tips Bekah! Oh good job losing another pound!!!!

See you tonight!!!

Love Chrissy