Sunday, December 7, 2008

Post on the run...

After my last post, this will probably seem pretty short. It's not that I don't have much to write; it's that I don't have the time right now!

On Friday, I weighed in at 168 pounds. Hmmm.....does that number sound familiar to you??? Yes, well. I'm planning to give it my all this week and see that number go down again! Oh, and I never posted my weight the day before Thanksgiving, as I decided to weigh in a day early. It was 169, so I'm slowly going down again.

My plan this week is to change up my exercise routine in an attempt to outsmart my body! I still don't quite understand why I'm having so much trouble losing these last 18 pounds, but I'm doing everything I can think of to keep the scale moving lower. So, I'm going to keep doing my rigorous workout on the treadmill, but then I'm going to head down to our basement and do an extra 10/15 minutes on our old Norditrak. I might jump rope, too. Who knows? I kinda make it up on the fly. :-) Anything that makes my heart pound and my body sweat!

So, there's my tiny update. I made some yummy hummus this week! Maybe I'll post the recipe later this week. My family tells me that I smell like a garlic clove.....but it's worth it! :-)

I also wanted to say "Thank you!" again for all of your encouraging comments, either on the blog or to me in person. They mean so much to me! I can't tell you how many times God has used your words to cheer me up and keep me motivated. As I've written many times, this has not been easy, so I really appreciate your encourangement. You are all such a blessing!

Staying positive because of Christ (and you, too!) ~ Bekah

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