But seeing I don't have that available right now, I thought I'd do something else. Something to trigger a little bit more "readership participation". I have a few questions for you all! Please take the time to answer. If for some reason you don't want anyone to know it's you answering, just log in under anonymous or a guest.
1. Have you ever struggled with being overweight? or underweight?
2. Have you started on any specialized diets (Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Atkins, etc.) in an effort to lose weight?
3. If yes, were those diets successful for you? (Have you kept the weight off?)
4.When you look in the mirror, are you satisfied with your weight?
5. Do you consider yourself to be fit and healthy?
6. Do you exercise regularly?
7. What does your daily diet consist of?
8. Do you consider yourself - a. a health nut b. informed, but not crazy about eating healthy c. a junk eater?
9. Have you read any other books about healthy living or weight loss that you have found helpful? If so, what are they?
10. And finally, do you have any advice for me while I'm writing this book? Any specific topics you think I should address? What would you find helpful in a healthy living/weight loss book? What do you see are common struggles for those trying to lose weight and live healthy lives?
Okay, I'll stop now. I'd love to pick your brain even more, but I guess I wait and see if you all will even post answers for these. ;-) PLEASE DO! I wish I could offer some prize or an incentive, but I can't really. Just know that you're helping me out and your post will make me smile! (Yeah, I know. Pretty lame prize, huh?)
Thank you all! ~Bekah
1. Yes to the first a little to the second.
2. No
4. No
5. No
6. Have been recently
7. Food
8. b
9. No
10 Lots of honest stories and tons of pics
Do I get a prize for being the first to respond? :) I know you can leave a comment on my next post. Thanks for posting twice on my last one:) I love the pic of you holding your computer. You're so pretty!
1. No
2. I gained about 10 lbs when I went to Taiwan (a 3 week trip), and when I came home, a friend was trying a couple different diets, so I decided to try them with her. One was an only juice diet and the other was something like the Atkins (but our idea was that we were going to eat mostly fruits and veggies). The juice diet was good, but the Atkins (which I only did for one week) was awful. It didn’t seem like a good combination of foods for my body. I think just fruit and veggies would have been fine, but the fact that we added in a little meat but no breads … I don’t know, but I remember feeling sick after just one week. And I didn’t lose any weight. The diet also allowed coffee … and I remember the last day of the diet, I met a friend at Starbucks at about 5:00 in the morning and the only thing I could order was black coffee, with no cream or sugar. Having that black coffee on an empty stomach on the last day of that diet was NOT a good idea. :-)
3. Well, there have been a number of times that I have been on “diets” just to be healthy or disciplined (i.e. no deserts, only fruits and vegetables, only fruits, veggies, and breads) and I’ve always thought those were successful—though they weren’t necessarily for the purpose of losing weight. My cousin was on the Atkins diet for several months and began noticing some side effects … such as her hair falling out in chunks.
4. yes
5. healthy—yes, fit—not sure J
6. no
7. well, we eat a lot of healthy food—lots of salads, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole wheat bread, beans, potatoes, and natural foods. But I also really like cheese, sweets, coffee, etc :-) I try to have the sweets in small portions, and I also try to eat sweets that are more natural, but I don’t always try very hard. :-) Normally, I don’t really eat very much meat. I avoid deep fat fried foods because they make my face break out. (Maybe you need a section in your book about complexion.) :-)
8. compared to my mom and sister, I’d have to say b
9. “God’s Chosen Fast” (on fasting) was good. "Forty Ways to Maintain Your Proper Weight" (by IBLP) was interesting. Also, I’ve heard good things about the book about “Seven Deadly Stresses” by IBLP
10. I’m really excited about your book, Bekah! One thing I’d suggest is that you take your time to really get it done “right.” Don’t be tempted to rush through and finish it just to get it “done”. Maybe you should have a recipe book to go along with it. :-) You already have a lot of great info on your blog that you should definitely include—the spiritual analogies and lessons that you have learned through this are really helpful, convicting, and encouraging. Maybe something about inward beauty. I agree with Chrissy about personal stories and testimonies. :-) Info on fasting would be good, since it’s something commonly overlooked in the church today. Thoughts about both spiritual and physical disciplines are really helpful. I think it’s important to help girls see the bigger picture and how this topic is important, not just for themselves, but for the glory of God and His kingdom. I don’t know if you want to get into this, but many, many girls have questions about various eating disorders. It might be neat to include testimonies from others who have struggled in various ways.
1. Yes
2. no
3. yes
4. Yeah, kind of. But not as in shape as I could be…
5. not during these winter months…but I do things like running up and down stairs, jump rope, sit ups, push ups, and whatever else I feel like making myself do. :) I like to pace quickly in the basement while I memorize verses. But I’m not very successful with consistency...
6. fruits, veggies, yogurt or kifer, whole wheat bread, homemade granola+milk, nuts, potatoes, beans, rice, squash, dark chocolate (85%), meat once in a while, tea, coffee (in moderation) um….and whatever else my mom cooks. But we eat pretty cheap meals… so it’s often like beans and rice or soup from leftover bones or something. He he :-/
7. health nut
8. parts of lots of books, can’t remember exact titles.
9. Your blog is great. It’s practical, funny, includes great spiritual insights, and stories. Of course, obviously stories are always what people love. But you also have a way of making just normal talk “interesting”, Bekah, so that’s a big plus. Remember that your audience varies a lot. Lots of people who will be reading your book will be skinny girls don’t see themselves as skinny and just want to be thinner. It’s sad, but that’s just the way it is. I think many struggle with their weight that never actually talk about it. Maybe you could get “testimonies” from various situations so you have a variety of perspectives on the topic.
1. Yes to the first
2. Not really
3. No
4. Not at all
5. No
6. No... I go in spurts. Sometimes I'll do well for a month or two, but then I quit because I HATE to exercise.
7. I like cereal with milk (something like honey-nut cheerios)... I love cheese and often make my own quesadilas. I eat fruits and some veggies daily, and I like bread. A LOT.
8. Definitely B.
9. I've never really read anything that I stuck with.
10. I suggest you write your book just like you're writing your blog. Funny, personal, add pictures, and keep Biblical principles foremost. Focus on small steps because big ones are overwhelming.
1. overweight
2. cabbage diet, low fat diet
3. yes and no.....weight didn't stay off
4. no
5. not really
6. yes, pretty much
7. Bran buds with almonds, salads, fruit and veggies; some days without meat, homemade soups. Rarely casseroles because too much sodium, cholesterol, and fat content
8. B
9. I'll have to think about it.
Nothing that sticks in my mind
10. a. Just write it like you are your blog and include pictures at different times. Write from christian perspective to christian perspective.
b. I could never lose weight without exercise. It is impossible for me; unless I am sick, which I don't recommend:-)
c. Motive realistically. Losing weight is a slow process of learning to adjust and change your tastes and lifestyle choices. Only God can show you the correct order for your personally.Be ok with blowing it--just don't stop -- no matter what -- Pray outloud against Satan's and resist and rebuke him when you are discouraged and tell him to leave you alone.
d. Holidays/vacations/birthdays --decide what you are going to do ahead of time and be ok with taking a break (grace). God wants us to enjoy life and also food. He just doesn't want us to have it as an idol.
I'm excited about your book Bekah. It's definitely from the Lord.
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