Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Crippled Ballerina...

Planter Warts. Nasty little things! Yesterday afternoon, my mom drove all 4 of us girls to Dubuque to get our warts taken care of. We share everything - even warts! We found a wonderful dermatologist who puts some magic "blister beetle juice" onto our warts, and they disappear! Well, okay. It's not quite that fast. You see, after they put the juice on the warts, you get your feet wrapped up and you're told that you may not get your feet wet for 2 days. Oh, and the word "blister" in "blister beetle juice" is quite literal. The juice forms a blister around the wart, and then when the blister falls off it takes the wart with it. Sounds a little crazy, but it works. I just wish it didn't have to hurt so much! My feet have been throbbing all day. I had at least 10 warts on one foot, and about 3 on the other. And because of where my warts were on my feet, I have to walk around on my tip-toes. (Hence the "crippled ballerina" title...) My calves are getting an excellent workout!

But, I had to re-vamp my exercise for today. I was still able to lift weights, though my form was a little different than usual. I tried doing it sitting on my exercise ball - that was interesting. It was all I could do to balance as I could only touch the floor with certain parts of my feet! I don't know how effective that was. :-) And I figured out how to work some core strengthening exercises without bumping my feet. I also did leg lifts and things that I could do either laying down or sitting. No jumping jacks or walking today! Maybe by Friday I'll be able to start walking normally again.

Because I knew that this visit to the dermatologist was going to mess up my exercising schedule, I've been very careful about my eating habits this week. My meals have been approximately 3/4 fruits & veggies and 1/4 protein and carbs. And, eating has been great so far this week! Praise the Lord. We have fresh lettuce from our garden and I've been devouring that! We have peas and green beans ready to harvest as well. I think food just tastes better after you've done so much work to get it.

Limping for joy ~ Bekah

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