Thursday, May 1, 2008

Where's your cart headed?

Yesterday, I was the chauffer for my sisters as they had several different activities in town. Mom also had a list of places she needed me to go. One of those places was Walmart, so I ran in quickly and grabbed a cart. This was going to be a quick trip!

I had parked nearest to the grocery side of the store, so as I walked in the door my eyes immediately focused in on the fresh fruits and vegetables and I walked straight over to them. It was like I was in a trance - I couldn't help it! As I was standing there, taking in the wonderful sight of fresh foods I checked the grocery list from Mom and realized that we didn't actually need any produce. I disappointedly pushed the cart down the aisle and then suddenly remembered that I did need something - a red bell pepper! I grabbed one and put it in the cart. My craving for fresh food was satisfied! (You may not understand this, but it's the most awesome craving!)

I quickly glanced back around the produce section to make sure I hadn't missed anything else, and then I noticed something that made me smile. As I had walked into the store, the only thing that I had seen was the fruits and veggies. That's all I wanted! I had (unknowingly) walked past rows and rows of bakery cookies, cakes, pies, etc. to get to what really made my mouth water.

I smiled, because just 6 months ago I would have stopped to look at all the bakery goods and I would have stood there wishing for just one cookie. I would have then pulled myself away from the sweets and begrudginly walked over to the produce to start shopping.
But, not this time! I hadn't even noticed the"junk food". I didn't want it. It didn't even appeal to me.

As I continued shopping, I was thinking about the incredible transformation my body has gone through these past few months. If you would have told me I would start having HUGE cravings for fruits and veggies, I would have laughed out loud! "Me? Crave fresh produce? No way!". I've gone through a whole "re-training" of my body, especially my taste buds. It's taken time to adjust, but the results are worth it!

I was also thinking about the spiritual parallels in regard to healthy food and junk food. In my spiritual walk, it's my desire that I push past all the "junk food" to reach the best that the Lord has for me. In my daily walk with the Lord, I want to navigate my cart to His Word and spending time in prayer. I want to push past my selfish feelings and choose to serve my family instead. To offer an encouraging word instead of criticizm; a hug instead of a frown. It's my desire to have intense cravings for the Lord!

I'm enjoying the journey. It's not been easy at all, and I don't know that it ever will be. But, I'm thankful that His mercies are new every morning and that He provides strength to make it through every day.

So, my question for today is : "Where's your cart headed?". Love, Bekah

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