Monday, June 30, 2008

A busy start to this summer...

Another week has flown by! As I was mentally preparing myself for this past week, I knew that it wasn't going to be a weight loss week. Don't get me wrong - I wasn't planning to pig out all week! I just knew that I wouldn't be able to exercise every day, and it was going to be nearly impossible to eat just like I do at home. Frantic planning and preparing, flexible (yet jam packed!) and ever changing schedules, and nights with very little sleep are characteristic of conference weeks for me, and this time was no different. All those things are obstacles to losing weight, and I just prepared myself to do everything in my power to strict to my eating habits and try to get as much exercise as possible.

It quickly became apparent to me that I wouldn't be using the exercise clothes I'd brought. I got to bed about midnight every night (not because we were goofing off - we were working!), and I was up between 5 and 5:30am. I was really tired! I decided that those few precious hours of sleep were more important than getting up at 4:00am to exercise. No regrets there! I did a lot of walking around the church in our week there, but nothing too strenuous.

And in the eating category, I had my good days and bad. I was able to resist sometimes, but I also can remember specific times when I didn't need to eat and chose to anyway. I found myself really tempted to grab for something to snack on when I'd get stressed or times when I was kinda bored, so I tried to guard against that. Again, it wasn't a perfect week, and there are things I regret - times when I ate too much or just simply gave into what my flesh wanted. It was easy to fall into the mindset that this was a week focused on ministry, not on myself, and use that to justify my actions. I'm still learning!

To make things even more crazy around here, we're leaving to visit our relatives in the Twin Cities area tomorrow morning. We'll be spending a week up there, but this will be no vacation for my flesh. :-) I had quite the workout this afternoon after not doing anything for a week. Yikes! That wasn't pretty. I finished my circuit training and just laid down on the floor for a few minutes, simply exhausted. So yes, my weights are coming with me on this trip!

I have yet to pack for this trip, and I'm trying to catch up on sleep, so this is all the time I have right now. I hope to be able to post more this week, but we'll see. Thank you for all of your prayers! Love, Bekah

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bekah! This is really awesome, I am so excited for your progress and victories. It is truly inspiring!