Friday, May 30, 2008 know the drill!

I'm sitting here at our book sale. It closes in an hour, and there has been somewhat of a lull in activity. Finally a few minutes to spend updating you all!

I got up this morning at 5:00am as we had to leave for the sale at 6:30am, which is practically the middle of the night! :-) I had some crazy thoughts as I was laying in bed last night (once I finally made it there - around 11:30pm) and hoping that the scale would be my friend this morning.
"Will weighing in about 3 hours earlier than usual reflect on the scale? Maybe my food from dinner won't have completely digested yet. Oh, no! That could throw the scale off. And, I've been a little stressed with all the work to get done this weekend. I've heard that stress can keep you from losing weight. Ugh! Okay, stop worrying. You did your best this week, Bekah!......... Or, did you? Couldn't you have pushed yourself harder in your workouts? Did you really need every single calorie you ate?...... Good grief! Just leave it in God's hand and get some sleep. Yes, getting enough sleep is important to weight loss. Sleep.......sleep......sleep........Why did I drink so much water today? I'll probably have at least a pound of water weight when I step on the scale tomorrow! I need one of those scales that measures actual weight, not water weight. Then I could tell if I've gained muscle, too. Hey! What if I gained some muscle weight this week. That's a really good thing, but it might mean that I didn't lose weight this week. And, that would be so disappointing! UGH!!! GO TO SLEEP!!!

Much to my delight, I was able to lose yet another pound this week. I'm at 173lbs now. YES!!! Getting closer to that goal. I'm eargerly anticipating my trip to CO this coming week, and I've made Stephanie promise to let me exercise every day. She's one active girl, so I'm probably going to have a hard time keeping up with her! (Oh, and my mom told me last night that you weigh less in higher altitudes. Sweet! Why don't I move to CO?)

Things are picking up again here, so I've gotta run. Chasing Freedom ~ Bekah

1 comment:

rebekah said...

That was a great post Bekah! I love the way you relate all your questions and all your answers to yourself. I think we all do that. Congratulations on losing a pound and also on having a very successful book sale. Rebekah